Residential Window Cleaning & Washing

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Residential Window Cleaning & Washing

Living in a tropical environment wreaks havoc on window glass and especially the seal of the glass in the window. Residential window cleaning & washing is partially cosmetic, of course, but a major part is protection, or preventive maintenance. Many of my first time clients wait until they can’t see out of their windows before they think about cleaning them, this is horrible for the integrity of the seal and the surface of the glass. If not prevented glass can become stained and the only remedy becomes polishing the glass. Florida, has salt water and intense hard water, if left on the surface of the glass it will actually etch itself into the glass, leaving small calcium rings and circles never to be removed if not caught early.

Palm Harbor Residential Window Cleaning & Washing

Palm Harbor Residential Window Cleaning & Washing

Residential window cleaning & washing means dealing with windows that have been sprayed by the ocean, by a sprinkler or hose. Salt water is hard on glass and needs to be cleaned regularly to avoid buffing and polishing.

Sprinklers are another problem area. Florida has rough hard water and can really do some damage to glass if left alone. Here is a tip: Rinsing your windows with a hose doesn’t help, the water needs to be removed complete after washing, preferably with a squeegee. Actually calcium can etch its way into glass permanently.

For all the reasons above, this is why ‘Got Smudge?’ Residential Window Cleaning and Washing pushes regular scheduled cleanings, aka preventive maintenance. Windows are expensive to repair and crazy expensive to replace. These forgotten items in your home are worth maintaining and keeping in pristine condition, this is how you get your money out of your windows. The more frequent you schedule you residential window cleaning & washing with us, the lower the price gets.

Residential Window Cleaning & Washing Areas we help with:

  • Mirrors
  • Screens
  • Window Frames
  • High Dusting
  • Outside Lamps



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(727) 902-2734

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